At Hinton Optimal Wellness, we offer a la carte service that can help your wellness journey. These service can be purchased alone or with one of our Wellness Programs for additional enhancement to your overall health and well-being.
Total Body Immersion (TBI) is a head-to-toe specialty functional medicine laboratory testing and consultation package [for optimal assessment] that tells us what’s going on in your body so we can appropriately provide you with an exact game-plan to reach all your health and wellness goals.
- Speciality functional medicine labs
- 30-45 minute virtual in-depth initial case review + 30 minute virtual appointment with your personalized report of findings based on your functional lab results
- Individualized supplement recommendations
- Individualized food choices/elimination, lifestyle hacks, & more
This program allows you to see which antioxidant and nutrient levels are low that could be leaving you more prone to elevated inflammation, contributing to your health issues.
You will discover if you have an underlying food sensitivity, gut imbalance, malabsorption, maldigestion, poor metabolic pathways, and SO much more…it’s truly an inside out, system by system analysis on what’s going on in your body right now!
This program is only offered virtually.
Regardless of what your symptoms or diseases are, running the most comprehensive lab panel is a great way to learn more about your unique needs, to ensure you are on the right path for a long healthy and happy life, free of dis-ease. We are happy to introduce our new Kickstart Bundle. This is one of our exclusive programs that allows us to evaluate your labs looking through our functional medicine lens. This is a completely different way of looking at labs compared to traditional medicine. We are looking for Optimal ranges not just “normal” lab values. We will take a deep dive into your blood work based on your current symptoms and complaints and determine if you have any type of hormonal imbalance, nutrient insufficiencies, chronic inflammation or metabolic disorder. We will then give our recommendations on what you can do to feel your best! This can include recommendations for additional functional testing to help determine the root of these imbalances.
The package itself is an investment, but much less than if going through a practitioner for a full program.
- Specialty functional medicine labs
- A virtual 60-90 minute comprehensive health history review with one of our concierge wellness experts to discuss your symptoms and concerns and then we will review your results looking at the whole person and how your body is interconnected, and what may be causing dysfunction in your unique body.
- Comprehensive Lab kit sent to your home from a 3rd party lab store (Cost of labs out of pocket ~$1200-$4000 using your insurance-based model)
- Recommendations based on your results sent through our Pharmaceutical Grade supplement company (for vitamins, minerals, etc)
After discussing your findings, you can choose to take this journey alone with the information provided. However, if you want to up-level your health even more with our team approach and feel you need additional tools, support, and education on lifestyle, nutrition, and detox to succeed, we can discuss how to move forward with one of our concierge wellness programs that fits your needs. Our ultimate goal is to provide you with as much information as we can to prevent acute and chronic disease.
Kind Words From Our Clients
~ Krista Cain
~ April Wenthe
~ John Dietzen
~ Lisa Teichmiller
~ Monica Woodward
~ BB